Wij zijn wetenschappers van het Weizmann Institute of Science, die het menselijke reukvermogen bestuderen. U kunt meer over ons werk hier vinden. Voor dit project werken we samen met klinici van de KNO-afdeling van het Edith Wolfson Medical Center
SmellTracker partners around the world:
The SmellTracker partner in Sweden is the Perceptionlab at the Karolinska Institutet.
The SmellTracker partner in Germany is Thomas Hummel at the Smell and Taste Clinic, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
The SmellTracker partner in France is the Neuropop team at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRS, INSERM, UCB Lyon)
The SmellTracker in the Netherlands, is Monique Smeets at Utrecht University.
The SmellTracker partner in Spain is Dr. Franklin Mariño Sanchez from the Rhinology Unit and Smell Clinic at Instituto Otovértigo.
The SmellTracker partners in Italy are Erminio Monteleone, Sara Spinelli and Caterina Dinnella at the Sensory Lab, University of Florence.
The SmellTracker partners in Japan are Kazushige Touhara and Masako Okamoto, at the Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, The University of Tokyo.
The SmellTracker partners in Portugal are The Mainen laboratory at Champalimaud Research in collaboration with cv19res.
The SmellTracker partner in Norway is Gernot Ernst, Vestreviken HF, Kongsberg Hospital and the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology.